April 2, 2012

18 weeks and visitors

I just can't believe it's really been 18 weeks. This little life inside of me keeps growing and growing and it truly amazes me. These past two weeks have been rough on the Jackson family health, but we're making it. Last weekend, I was on the couch for a good two days. This weekend, Eli has been running fever and feeling icky. Marriage is all about sharing, right? :)

In other news, we got to spend some great time with friends this weekend and watch parents to little ones work their magic. Eli's best friend growing up, Ben, and his wife and two kids came to visit. They have an adventurous three year old boy named Ty

and a sweet 13 month old girl named Addie

Their mom, Aleha, and I took the kids to the park on Saturday while Eli and Ben went shooting. This was a lot of fun to be at the park with all the other mommas and their babies. I can't wait to do that with our own kiddos! Here are a few quick photos from the park and the playground at our church. When I looked back through all my pictures, I think I found one where Ty was actually looking and smiling at the camera. He's just not a camera-loving type of kid. But that's okay, because little boys in overalls are just too stinkin cute! And Addie;s cuteness is pretty hard to handle too! See for yourself:

Another treat this weekend was getting to cook gluten-free for someone other than myself! Aleha and both kids are gluten-intolerant like I am. I got to experiment and make sure they were well-taken care of, something I can't wait to do for our own kids if they have gluten sensitivities. It was such a fun weekend overall, playing, watching, learning, feeding, and loving on this family. Thanks, Landrys! We really enjoyed you being here with us!

 As far as our little family goes, we are moving along very smoothly. I have finally felt what I know was baby movements! I was laying in bed the other night while Eli was getting ready for bed and I all of a sudden felt these little bubble-type feelings in my lower left abdomen. I laid there with my hand on my tummy and just imagined our Little One. When I turned on my side, I felt it even stronger. I guess Baby was squished or something and wanted to let me know! Whatever the reason, I absolutely loved the feeling! Can't wait to feel it stronger!

Well, tomorrow is the BIG DAY! We have our ultrasound where we get to find out if Baby Jackson is a boy or girl!! To say that we are excited is an understatement! Just tonight, Eli and I were watching tv together and, out of no where, he said, "guess what?... Tomorrow we find out the gender of our baby." And he grinned so big! This just melted my heart that he is looking forward to getting to know this little Baby as much as I am. He's going to be such a sweet Daddy.

I do have to warn you now, though. We are waiting to tell anyone until this weekend, when both sets of parents and siblings come over to find out the gender. So I promise you'll know very soon! We just have to keep it a secret for a few more days. (Trust me, that will be harder than you think for me to keep that secret!) Hope you understand.

Well, here are week 18 pictures:

Dear Little One, 

This is hopefully the last letter to you before we find out if you are a boy or girl! Your Daddy and I are so excited to know more about you and love you even more deeply than we already do. Please cooperate tomorrow for the doctor. So many people are waiting to hear the news! You don't want to keep them waiting, do you?! But if you do, we will still love you and think you're the sweetest thing.

Daddy and I had a little practice with other little ones this weekend. It was fun but exhausting! We know you'll be a little bundle of energy when you're that age too, if you're anything like your Daddy! He was so good about taking care of other kids, I know he'll be over the moon for you!

We love you dearly and pray for you every night.

Love always, Momma

1 comment:

  1. EEEEK! Look how pregnant (and cute) you look! Adorable. I'm so excited for you three.
