April 22, 2012

21 weeks and an unexpected visitor

This week, we have had a very unexpected visitor show up... and not leave... Wednesday night after church, I was watering flowers in the front yard and Eli was playing with Sasha, when we saw something in the road. Because it was dark, we first thought it was either the neighbor's small dog or a raccoon. Turns out, it was a cat. Well, we live in the country, so it wasn't a big deal to see a barn cat wandering around, but this cat was definitely no barn cat! After Sasha chased her up a tree, she came down and rubbed all over my legs, wanting me to pet her. I didn't think there was any harm in petting her at first, but then it became very apparent that she was claiming us as her new family.
She stayed right by me all evening while I watered my flowers, tried to go in the house when I was done, and continued to meow outside our door the rest of the night... Well, four days later, she's still here. Not impressed. (And we haven't even fed her). We wouldn't mind her staying outside to keep the mice and snakes away, but there's one thing we're worried about... We think she's pregnant! She's found a way to get under our house and she will not go away. Now if you know me, you know I love all animals, but I do not love the fact that she has staked her territory and might possibly have her babies under our house.

Sasha is also not impressed, especially since this cat has claimed the back deck as her home, and chased Sasha off the deck. Yes, that's right - this cat thinks she's the alpha female and she actually chases Sasha off the deck into the yard. As you can see, she has also claimed Sasha's dog house as her napping platform. At first, I think Sasha thought the cat was another friend or playtoy, but she's getting a little annoyed that this thing doesn't play back.

We've tried everything to get this cat to leave - chasing her, spraying her with the squirt bottle, Eli's even put her in the pasture behind our yard... NOTHING will make this cat leave. Ugh. I guess we'll just wait and see what happens. Any suggestions? Or any takers of a very friendly, loving cat?? :)

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In other news, we are now at 21 weeks in our baby journey! Not too much new happening this week. I have felt Baby Girl move and kick like crazy though, which is just the best feeling ever! Eli even got to feel her once or twice this week. We went in on Friday to hear her heartbeat and check to make everything's on track. Our doctor said she sounds very healthy, and will possibly be a very active girl! She kicked so hard during the heartbeat check, but I absolutely love this because that means she is healthy.

I've finally acquired some maternity clothes! I say "acquired" because the fifth grade math teacher at my school left this week on maternity leave and gave me a bag of her professional maternity pants and shirts since she won't be needing them anymore! So nice! And then yesterday, I went to Waco for the huge consignment sale at the convention center. Eli's mom came with me, and we ended up going to several consignment stores and coming home with more than one bag of maternity clothes and baby girl clothes! I'll try to get some pictures of those adorable baby clothes this week so you can see! Oh our little girl is going to have such cute clothes!

Here are a few pictures from week 21:

Dear Sweet Little Girl, 

Lately, your Daddy and I have been spending more time outside because the weather is just so pretty. We love playing with Sasha, taking care of the yard, and dreaming of you being there with us! I've said it before, but I really do hope you enjoy being outside as much as we do. I'm excited to watch you and Sasha become the best of friends. She likes to play rough with Daddy, but she's so sweet to me and I think she'll just love you to death! But I hope you don't mind being licked on the face every now and then! That's her best love language!

Daddy and I like to talk about you around our house by name and we think it will be perfect for you! So far we haven't told anyone else your name though, and it's driving them crazy! Right now, we just want to keep it to ourselves until you are born. It will be our little secret! You are such a special little girl and you are loved beyond anything you know. We continue to pray for you each night, just waiting for the day when we can hold you in our arms and pray for you. We love you so much Little One, never forget that.

All my love, Momma

1 comment:

  1. I feel like the bump took a huge leap this week!! Can't wait to hear her name!!
