
Eli and I were married July 17, 2010. Over the past four years, we have learned so much about love, respect, forgiveness, and each other. We love how God has molded and shaped us specifically for each other, which allows us to serve him together. His plan is definitely the best! We also have a cute, smart, adventurous, strong-willed little girl named Sarah. She's the best! We are so excited to see how God will bless and use our little family in the years to come.

We like adventuring, taking nightly walks, writing each other love letters, spending time in the kitchen experimenting with food, and wrangling a squirmy toddler. Life is great! 

This blog was started to keep up with our first years of marriage and the daily happenings of our life. Although it's been on-again, off-again, hopefully we can keep up with the happenings of life around here.