March 27, 2012

17 weeks

This post is a little late, but I had a little bug this weekend and never really changed out of my pjs... Didn't think you'd want to see my bump pictures like that! So forgive me for being late!

The title of this post says 17 weeks, but truth is, I'll be 18 weeks along tomorrow. Just wanted to get this up while it's still week 17! It's so hard to believe that in two weeks, we'll be halfway there, and in just one week, we'll find out whether we're having a boy or girl! That's SEVEN days from now! Wow! These past four and a half months have really flown by!

Everything seems to be going okay now that I'm into my second trimester. I feel more energized, I'm eating healthier, and I haven't felt sick much lately. We are really trying to be healthier in our eating and exercising. Eli and I have started walking again, which feels so good since the weather is wonderful. We used to walk and run around UMHB all the time when we lived next to campus. But since we've moved out to Moody, the motivation just hasn't been there, especially because the only street light within a couple miles is next to our house at the church. Since the time change, though, we've been able to walk and get home before dark. I hope to continue this once Baby gets here as a way to lose pregnancy weight and stay healthy.

Well, without further delay, here are the pictures from this week!

Dear Love of Mine, 

You have grown so big recently! I read the other day that you are the size of an onion. Not my favorite vegetable, but this coming week you'll be the size of a sweet potato. I just love that! Can't wait to hold my little sweet potato in my arms! Keep growing big and strong Little One.

Want to go walking with me and Daddy when you get here? We would love to take you and show you all the animals and sights around here. Sasha has made friends with all of the goats, horses, ponies, and cows on our road. The donkeys aren't too friendly, but they're just protecting the baby goats, kind of like how we'll protect you. Maybe we'll even be able to get one of those fancy jogging strollers so you can have a comfy ride.

Guess what happens a week from today? We get to see if you are a boy or girl!! I can't tell you how excited your Daddy and I are!! Please cooperate for the ultrasound technician so we can know more about you.

We love you more and more every day, Baby. You are so precious to us and we are very blessed to be your Momma and Daddy. This is a wonderful adventure that God has allowed us to be a part of. You are our gift. And we love you.

Love always, Momma


  1. He or she is starting to poke out there!!!!

    1. I know! I love it though! Except for the fact that my clothes are no longer fitting... Guess it'll be time to go shopping soon!

  2. I can definitely see that bump now! So excited for you both!
