April 14, 2012

20 weeks

This week we reached the halfway mark! It's crazy and exciting to know that, from here on out, we have less time than what's behind us! Only 20 more weeks until we get to meet, hold, and love on our sweet little girl. This whole pregnancy process just blows my mind!

This week has gone pretty well. I got to feel more wiggling and squirming in my tummy than ever before, which I really do love! Baby girl likes to move around when we're laying in bed before we go to sleep and after I eat. It's fun to feel her and know that I'll get to hold her and watch her grow and move very soon! So far, she hasn't let her Daddy feel her yet, but we'll have plenty of time in the weeks to come. Another positive: I bought my first maternity shirt and belly band this week! So far I've just worn my pants with a hair tie tied around the button hole. Classy, I know. But hey, it's worked up until now. I'm kind of getting to that awkward stage, though, when my pre-pregnancy clothes don't fit, but true maternity clothes are still a little big. I'm on the hunt for some good deals on clothes right now. There are so many cute options out there, but I have a hard time justifying expensive clothes that I'll only be able to wear for a few more months... Oh the drama of pregnancy fashion!

We did have a small scare this week with some numbness and pain in my arm and fingers, which led to dizziness. But I called my doctor and she assured me that strange feelings are actually pretty common during pregnancy. It has completely gone away and she said I should be just fine! It wasn't my favorite feeling ever, but I'm glad to know that it's not uncommon.

I know our lives are consumed with this little baby girl (and I have no problem with that!) but we try to save some time for each other, and hope to continue to save that time when she is born. It is important to us to strengthen our walk with Christ first, build up our marriage second, and then we can be the best parents possible for our children. We want to glorify him in how we raise our children, as the united team he created us to be.

Here are week 20's photos, taken right before our date night this week!

Dear Baby Girl, 

Your Daddy and I are so in love with you! Thank you for letting me feel you move around some this week. The time I have with you right before bed is so special. I love laying there, feeling you, dreaming about you, and knowing that soon, I'll be holding you in my arms before we go to sleep. Your Daddy enjoys resting his head on my tummy so he can talk to you. He's even made up a song or two that he sings for you! I've read that you can hear sounds outside of my tummy now. Maybe you'll recognize his voice in a few months!

We've started planning for your room! I know it won't matter much to you what colors or patterns we choose, but I get excited picking out the perfect room to welcome you home to. Your Daddy often catches me day dreaming or searching Pinterest for just the right thing for you! I promise I won't obsess over the details, but it makes me so happy to think of you in your room!

Continue to grow big and healthy. We'll be here waiting for you join our family when the timing is best! We love you to the moon and back!

Love always, Momma

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