April 28, 2012

22 weeks

This week has been a different week at school - we finally finished the lovely STAAR test at school and went on our first field trip. Somehow we managed to take 50 6th graders to Dallas and back with only three teachers. And guess what, we didn't lose a single one! Haha! We were very glad to be back home at the end of the day, though!

As far as pregnancy goes, not much has changed this week - still feeling Baby Girl kick every day (mostly at night), still growing steadily, still having major heartburn every now and then. I have felt pretty tired this week, though. I don't know if it's just my body needing more rest or if I'm going through another pregnancy trend of being exhausted. I've noticed more achey-ness and headaches, but I am more than glad to go through this if it gets us closer to holding our baby girl in our arms. The way God has orchestrated all of this continues to amaze me every day. Each time I feel our little babe kick and squirm, I'm reminded that there is an actual life growing inside of me and I thank God that we are allowed to be a part of this.

Here is week 22 (pictures taken after a co-teacher's wedding, beautiful wedding by the way!)

Here are just a few more that we took this week, just for fun! Please ignore the lovely watch tan line! That's what happens when you take testing-overloaded kids outside for an hour and a half on three separate days! I'm glad to have a little tan, but I guess I forgot to take off my watch! Oh well!

Dear sweet little girl, 

This week while my students were taking a big test at school, I had a lot of time to daydream about you! I tried to picture what you will look like, what you will be interested in, how you will dress yourself when you get big, who your friends will be, and everything about your personality and character. I came to the conclusion that no matter how I picture you, God has already created in you a wonderful and perfect girl who will grow into a beautiful woman. Even though I haven't met you yet, I know God is forming you just like you are supposed to be. He has been taking care of you and will never let you out of his hand. There will be times when your Daddy and I will get on your nerves, upset you or even disappoint you. But know this, sweet girl, our Heavenly Father will never let you go. Always remember that we love you, and we are giving you over to God to be used by him and for him. We are praying for the day when you make him your own and give your life to him. We will do our very best to show you his love every day.
We love you more each day and we will never stop.

Love always, Momma

April 22, 2012

21 weeks and an unexpected visitor

This week, we have had a very unexpected visitor show up... and not leave... Wednesday night after church, I was watering flowers in the front yard and Eli was playing with Sasha, when we saw something in the road. Because it was dark, we first thought it was either the neighbor's small dog or a raccoon. Turns out, it was a cat. Well, we live in the country, so it wasn't a big deal to see a barn cat wandering around, but this cat was definitely no barn cat! After Sasha chased her up a tree, she came down and rubbed all over my legs, wanting me to pet her. I didn't think there was any harm in petting her at first, but then it became very apparent that she was claiming us as her new family.
She stayed right by me all evening while I watered my flowers, tried to go in the house when I was done, and continued to meow outside our door the rest of the night... Well, four days later, she's still here. Not impressed. (And we haven't even fed her). We wouldn't mind her staying outside to keep the mice and snakes away, but there's one thing we're worried about... We think she's pregnant! She's found a way to get under our house and she will not go away. Now if you know me, you know I love all animals, but I do not love the fact that she has staked her territory and might possibly have her babies under our house.

Sasha is also not impressed, especially since this cat has claimed the back deck as her home, and chased Sasha off the deck. Yes, that's right - this cat thinks she's the alpha female and she actually chases Sasha off the deck into the yard. As you can see, she has also claimed Sasha's dog house as her napping platform. At first, I think Sasha thought the cat was another friend or playtoy, but she's getting a little annoyed that this thing doesn't play back.

We've tried everything to get this cat to leave - chasing her, spraying her with the squirt bottle, Eli's even put her in the pasture behind our yard... NOTHING will make this cat leave. Ugh. I guess we'll just wait and see what happens. Any suggestions? Or any takers of a very friendly, loving cat?? :)

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In other news, we are now at 21 weeks in our baby journey! Not too much new happening this week. I have felt Baby Girl move and kick like crazy though, which is just the best feeling ever! Eli even got to feel her once or twice this week. We went in on Friday to hear her heartbeat and check to make everything's on track. Our doctor said she sounds very healthy, and will possibly be a very active girl! She kicked so hard during the heartbeat check, but I absolutely love this because that means she is healthy.

I've finally acquired some maternity clothes! I say "acquired" because the fifth grade math teacher at my school left this week on maternity leave and gave me a bag of her professional maternity pants and shirts since she won't be needing them anymore! So nice! And then yesterday, I went to Waco for the huge consignment sale at the convention center. Eli's mom came with me, and we ended up going to several consignment stores and coming home with more than one bag of maternity clothes and baby girl clothes! I'll try to get some pictures of those adorable baby clothes this week so you can see! Oh our little girl is going to have such cute clothes!

Here are a few pictures from week 21:

Dear Sweet Little Girl, 

Lately, your Daddy and I have been spending more time outside because the weather is just so pretty. We love playing with Sasha, taking care of the yard, and dreaming of you being there with us! I've said it before, but I really do hope you enjoy being outside as much as we do. I'm excited to watch you and Sasha become the best of friends. She likes to play rough with Daddy, but she's so sweet to me and I think she'll just love you to death! But I hope you don't mind being licked on the face every now and then! That's her best love language!

Daddy and I like to talk about you around our house by name and we think it will be perfect for you! So far we haven't told anyone else your name though, and it's driving them crazy! Right now, we just want to keep it to ourselves until you are born. It will be our little secret! You are such a special little girl and you are loved beyond anything you know. We continue to pray for you each night, just waiting for the day when we can hold you in our arms and pray for you. We love you so much Little One, never forget that.

All my love, Momma

April 17, 2012

Renee - Senior Photos

A couple of weekends ago when my family came down for our baby announcement, I got the chance to take my sister's senior pictures. I still can't believe that my little sister is graduating from high school this year! Shouldn't she still be 12?! She has grown into a beautiful young woman and I absolutely love seeing how God is working in and through her life.

Here are just a few of the many pictures we took that Saturday. We started off on the roads around our house and drove to Waco to finish the pictures.

Renee, I really enjoyed capturing who you are at this stage of life! You are so beautiful. Hope you enjoy your pictures!

 One of my favorites!

My other favorite!

This one is completely Renee!

I had a blast taking Renee's pictures and getting to spend good time with her and my mom!

April 14, 2012

20 weeks

This week we reached the halfway mark! It's crazy and exciting to know that, from here on out, we have less time than what's behind us! Only 20 more weeks until we get to meet, hold, and love on our sweet little girl. This whole pregnancy process just blows my mind!

This week has gone pretty well. I got to feel more wiggling and squirming in my tummy than ever before, which I really do love! Baby girl likes to move around when we're laying in bed before we go to sleep and after I eat. It's fun to feel her and know that I'll get to hold her and watch her grow and move very soon! So far, she hasn't let her Daddy feel her yet, but we'll have plenty of time in the weeks to come. Another positive: I bought my first maternity shirt and belly band this week! So far I've just worn my pants with a hair tie tied around the button hole. Classy, I know. But hey, it's worked up until now. I'm kind of getting to that awkward stage, though, when my pre-pregnancy clothes don't fit, but true maternity clothes are still a little big. I'm on the hunt for some good deals on clothes right now. There are so many cute options out there, but I have a hard time justifying expensive clothes that I'll only be able to wear for a few more months... Oh the drama of pregnancy fashion!

We did have a small scare this week with some numbness and pain in my arm and fingers, which led to dizziness. But I called my doctor and she assured me that strange feelings are actually pretty common during pregnancy. It has completely gone away and she said I should be just fine! It wasn't my favorite feeling ever, but I'm glad to know that it's not uncommon.

I know our lives are consumed with this little baby girl (and I have no problem with that!) but we try to save some time for each other, and hope to continue to save that time when she is born. It is important to us to strengthen our walk with Christ first, build up our marriage second, and then we can be the best parents possible for our children. We want to glorify him in how we raise our children, as the united team he created us to be.

Here are week 20's photos, taken right before our date night this week!

Dear Baby Girl, 

Your Daddy and I are so in love with you! Thank you for letting me feel you move around some this week. The time I have with you right before bed is so special. I love laying there, feeling you, dreaming about you, and knowing that soon, I'll be holding you in my arms before we go to sleep. Your Daddy enjoys resting his head on my tummy so he can talk to you. He's even made up a song or two that he sings for you! I've read that you can hear sounds outside of my tummy now. Maybe you'll recognize his voice in a few months!

We've started planning for your room! I know it won't matter much to you what colors or patterns we choose, but I get excited picking out the perfect room to welcome you home to. Your Daddy often catches me day dreaming or searching Pinterest for just the right thing for you! I promise I won't obsess over the details, but it makes me so happy to think of you in your room!

Continue to grow big and healthy. We'll be here waiting for you join our family when the timing is best! We love you to the moon and back!

Love always, Momma


Last weekend when our families were down for our big reveal, my mom offered to help me pick out and plant flowers around our house. I appreciate this so much because I'm not the best at picking out flowers that will survive... But my mom is a great gardener! I think she could spend every day outside tending to her flowers and making their yard more beautiful. So, early Friday morning, she and I went to Lowe's to find flowers for our house. Let's just say, it took the entire back part of her SUV to hold all of our new plants!! Oh, and one side note: did you know Lowe's will refund your money if your flowers/plants die within a year?! I learned this from my mother-in-law. I hope I don't have to test this out, but it's really nice to know just in case.

When we got home, we knew we had our work cut out for us. The flower beds that spread out down the length of our house conveniently have about 6 inches of rocks on top of black plastic on top of the soil, which meant it was quite a job to even get to the dirt, then we had to dig holes to put the flowers in... We also found out that the soil around one of our crepe myrtles is not really soil, but more like clay. Not fun to dig in... But over the weekend, my mom, my mother-in-law, and even my dad and sister helped me get it all done. Just yesterday, Eli drilled holes in one pot for drainage and I finished up the last bit of planting.

Here's our front yard now! I'm so excited to have some color and life to it instead of just rocks!

A few close-ups of some of my favorites:

 I think this one is my absolute favorite! My dad picked it out and brought it when he came from Stephenville. I just love the way it spreads out, and the vibrant color!

These are miniature rose bushes my mom picked out. They're so pretty and small. I love the red-pink color.They look a little blurry, but the wind was crazy when I took pictures!

My herbs! I've had rosemary and sweet basil for a while now, but I decided to add some sage and combine them in a galvanized tub to keep them all together. Eli and I love cooking with fresh herbs, and these will produce fresh leaves all year! Soon, I hope to add some thyme and possibly mint for more flavor options.

This shepherd's hook (along with another just like it) was used in our wedding on the altar instead of a traditional canopy. We hung candles in jars on the hooks and had flowers in the base. It's been holding my mom's flowers at their house since then. I finally asked if she could bring it so I could use it in our garden.

I'm so glad we finally got all the flowers planted! I love having this colorful display in front of our house. Hopefully, I can keep them alive in this crazy Texas weather!

April 10, 2012

19 weeks

As you now know, we are having a little girl!! We are beyond excited to be welcoming this sweet life into our family in just a few short months. I'm pretty sure she will have Eli wrapped around her finger! Can't say that I won't spoil her either!

While our parents were at our house this weekend, we told them about our little surprise and they were very ecstatic! Eli's mom has already been shopping and bought such sweet little outfits for our baby. And my mom has already been sewing an adorable blanket and bib. I can tell you for sure, these aren't the last little girl clothes or blankets we'll see! Oh and my dad pulled a great surprise - he works at the hospital and was able to bring us a giant box of newborn diapers! We are set for a little while now!!

We took a few family Easter pictures with my new camera and tripod, which worked surprisingly well. After that, my mom took some of Eli and I and our little bundle. This week's baby picture is a little out of focus and includes a special guest appearance, but I couldn't pass it up!

My Little Girl, 

When we found out we were pregnant with you, it blew our minds and changed our worlds. But now that we know you are a little girl, our lives will never be the same! We are so ready to meet you and learn all about you. It doesn't seem like our hearts could be any more filled with love for you, but I know God will only expand that love each and every day.
If our ultrasound is any proof of your future actions, you will be a squirmy, active little girl for sure! I absolutely loved watching you dance around in my tummy! You even waved at us and opened and closed your mouth while we watched you. You're so cute, sweet girl!
Stay strong and healthy in there, Baby. Keep growing so we can hold you when the time comes. Never forget, your Daddy and I pray for you every night before we go to sleep. This is one of our favorite times with you right now, and soon you will be able to cuddle up with us. We love you to the moon and back.

Love always, Momma

April 9, 2012

Baby Jackson reveal

Last Tuesday, Eli and I went to see our baby on the ultrasound. This was such a wonderful and exciting time for us, not only seeing our baby move and squirm on the screen, but also finding out whether our baby is a boy or girl. God is so wonderful in his creations. We are blessed to be a part of this miracle of bringing a new life into this world and our family.

 Sorry about the quality. Blogger doesn't like higher quality I guess... If you want to see it better, click here

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I still can't believe we are having a little girl! This just makes my heart so happy. I've had this little feeling for a while that we are having a girl, but it was so exciting to have that feeling confirmed! About three or four minutes into our ultrasound, the tech asked what we thought we were having and then asked if we wanted to know already. Because she was able to tell so early, I was sure it was a boy. Then she said our baby is a girl! Apparently our little one wasn't being too modest! We sat there and watched our daughter dance and wiggle all over the place for the next 35 minutes. I could have sat there all day just watching her move. She's still tiny right now, only 8 1/2 ounces and 6 inches from head to bottom, but it was so amazing to see her sweet face, hands, feet, and body. We even got to see a few 4D views of her. Oh wow!! That was incredible to see such detail when she's so small! At the end of the ultrasound, the tech checked again to make sure she is definitely a girl. And yep, there she was for everyone to see!

We are both thrilled to be having a baby girl. It gets more real every day that we get closer to seeing her. I think Eli was overwhelmed at first to hear that we are having a girl. Not overwhelmed in a bad way, but overwhelmed because he has no idea how to raise a little girl (and frankly, neither do I!). But it is so sweet to see him getting more and more excited about it all. The other day, out of nowhere, he looked at me, smiled so big, and said, "guess what... we're having a daughter!" Melts my heart!! I just love him and his huge heart for our baby.I've been feeling her move around quite a bit lately, which is also so special.

This past weekend, all of our immediate family came over for our big gender reveal. We didn't have a huge party, but it was so fun to have them all find out together. We grilled burgers and hot dogs (which drove them all crazy that we didn't tell right away!) Then after lunch, I brought out cupcakes with colored icing inside that revealed the gender. Here are a few shots of them biting in!

Yes, Eli decided he needed a cupcake too!

We are very grateful for our healthy baby girl and could not be more excited right now. We are looking forward to knowing her more and seeing her grow into the person God designed her to be. 

Check back soon for this week's update along with a new bump picture!

April 2, 2012

18 weeks and visitors

I just can't believe it's really been 18 weeks. This little life inside of me keeps growing and growing and it truly amazes me. These past two weeks have been rough on the Jackson family health, but we're making it. Last weekend, I was on the couch for a good two days. This weekend, Eli has been running fever and feeling icky. Marriage is all about sharing, right? :)

In other news, we got to spend some great time with friends this weekend and watch parents to little ones work their magic. Eli's best friend growing up, Ben, and his wife and two kids came to visit. They have an adventurous three year old boy named Ty

and a sweet 13 month old girl named Addie

Their mom, Aleha, and I took the kids to the park on Saturday while Eli and Ben went shooting. This was a lot of fun to be at the park with all the other mommas and their babies. I can't wait to do that with our own kiddos! Here are a few quick photos from the park and the playground at our church. When I looked back through all my pictures, I think I found one where Ty was actually looking and smiling at the camera. He's just not a camera-loving type of kid. But that's okay, because little boys in overalls are just too stinkin cute! And Addie;s cuteness is pretty hard to handle too! See for yourself:

Another treat this weekend was getting to cook gluten-free for someone other than myself! Aleha and both kids are gluten-intolerant like I am. I got to experiment and make sure they were well-taken care of, something I can't wait to do for our own kids if they have gluten sensitivities. It was such a fun weekend overall, playing, watching, learning, feeding, and loving on this family. Thanks, Landrys! We really enjoyed you being here with us!

 As far as our little family goes, we are moving along very smoothly. I have finally felt what I know was baby movements! I was laying in bed the other night while Eli was getting ready for bed and I all of a sudden felt these little bubble-type feelings in my lower left abdomen. I laid there with my hand on my tummy and just imagined our Little One. When I turned on my side, I felt it even stronger. I guess Baby was squished or something and wanted to let me know! Whatever the reason, I absolutely loved the feeling! Can't wait to feel it stronger!

Well, tomorrow is the BIG DAY! We have our ultrasound where we get to find out if Baby Jackson is a boy or girl!! To say that we are excited is an understatement! Just tonight, Eli and I were watching tv together and, out of no where, he said, "guess what?... Tomorrow we find out the gender of our baby." And he grinned so big! This just melted my heart that he is looking forward to getting to know this little Baby as much as I am. He's going to be such a sweet Daddy.

I do have to warn you now, though. We are waiting to tell anyone until this weekend, when both sets of parents and siblings come over to find out the gender. So I promise you'll know very soon! We just have to keep it a secret for a few more days. (Trust me, that will be harder than you think for me to keep that secret!) Hope you understand.

Well, here are week 18 pictures:

Dear Little One, 

This is hopefully the last letter to you before we find out if you are a boy or girl! Your Daddy and I are so excited to know more about you and love you even more deeply than we already do. Please cooperate tomorrow for the doctor. So many people are waiting to hear the news! You don't want to keep them waiting, do you?! But if you do, we will still love you and think you're the sweetest thing.

Daddy and I had a little practice with other little ones this weekend. It was fun but exhausting! We know you'll be a little bundle of energy when you're that age too, if you're anything like your Daddy! He was so good about taking care of other kids, I know he'll be over the moon for you!

We love you dearly and pray for you every night.

Love always, Momma