March 6, 2012

14 weeks

This post is a little late - I've just been so busy this past week. My apologies. Tomorrow is actually my first day in week 15, so you'll hopefully see that update soon. As for now, we have successfully made it into the second trimester. It's hard to believe we've made it this far and I already almost 15 weeks along!

In the first trimester, I felt a little sick on occasion, but I never felt too bad. I have heard, though, that the days ahead are supposed to be the best days of pregnancy. I am so excited to see what is coming! I am very ready to have all my energy back, that's for sure. Eli and I try to get to bed at a decent time, but if we stay up past 10, I can be a pretty grumpy lady the next morning!

I've been reading and here are a few things I've learned about our baby: he/she is about the size of a lemon, is starting to stretch out from head to toe, can squint and make faces, and might even be sucking his or her thumb! Every week, I'm realizing how incredible it is that a tiny person is growing inside of me! And all of these new developments make it seem more real every day.

Here's our baby at 14 weeks!

Dear Little One,
It won't be long until you make your grand appearance. Only five and a half months to go! And in just a few short weeks, we'll know if you are a boy or girl. This just makes my heart jump! I don't know why, but I have this little feeling that you are a girl. Daddy doesn't want to spoil it, so he's not guessing! Either way, we can't wait to meet you and smother you with love!
Keep growing strong and healthy. Soak up all the nutrients you can, and I'll do my very best to take care of you inside of me. Daddy and I are praying for you every single day and we are more than excited to hold you and love you soon!
Love always, Momma

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