March 22, 2012

Spring Break 2012 pt.1

As a Christmas present, Eli's parents took the whole family on a Spring Break vacation to Arizona, specifically to visit the Grand Canyon. We got to share this week with Eli's parents, his sister, his brother and sister-in-law. It really was a wonderful time away from work and school. We stayed in a cabin way out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by God's incredible nature. To even attempt to describe what we saw last week doesn't do it justice. Here is one shot of the house:   (I'll show more of where we stayed in another post)
It took us two days (18 full hours of driving) to get to our cabin, but we really enjoyed our time once we got there. On Monday, we loaded the Suburban down and headed to see our main attraction: The Grand Canyon. Out of about 500 pictures that I took with my new camera, I managed to narrow my selection down to just under 30 to show you. I know that's still a lot, but trust me, you'll want to see the beautiful sights!

The whole gang!

 Eli's parents

One of my favorites

My absolute favorite part of this trip was spending it with this guy :)

Eli's brother, sister-in-law, and sister

Can you see the crazy guys standing on the edge of the world out there?
Just beautiful.
Hehe, Eli wouldn't let me go anywhere near the edge. He's going to be a sweet Daddy.

This sign was on a rock wall in front of the canyon. I just loved it

View of the Colorado River

Robyn sandwich! (Eli's brother married a Robyn too! How crazy is that!)


Heath and Robyn

 Eli's parents and sister, Kelci

 We were told there were so many great places to see a sunset on the Canyon. We decided to go to the watchtower (there's a picture above) and it was gorgeous! If only you could see it in person!

Well, if you made it to this point, I hope you enjoyed the nature and scenery. It really was hard to narrow it down to these pictures. God has such beautiful creations and I'm so glad we got to see this part of it.

I'll update with pictures from the other days of our trip this weekend! Check back soon!


  1. Isn't the grand canyon just like a painting when you see it in person!? I know pictures can't do it justice, but yours did a pretty great job!!!

  2. Oh it's beautiful! Thank you for the encouragement! I'm still learning everything I can about my camera. But I really do like it!
