March 18, 2012

16 weeks

Well we're back from Arizona, not completely rested up, but it's good to be home. Since I used my new camera and took almost 1,000 pictures on our trip (ah! I know!), it's going to take a little time to sort through them and pick out just the right ones to post. But don't worry, you'll be able to see them this week.

We are now 16 weeks into this incredible journey. Like I mentioned last week, I've really popped over the past week or so. My tummy is finally looking like there's a little person in there, not just cookies! I'm pretty sure I felt a little flutter this past week before I went to bed one night. I got really excited and told Eli, but then I didn't feel another one. There was something different about this little feeling. It had to have been our baby moving! I'm really looking forward to feeling more of those as our baby grows!

We have another short doctor's appointment this week where our doctor will check to make sure everything is going smoothly. But then, in two weeks, we get to find out if we are having a boy or girl! I'm SO excited for this appointment! I still have this feeling that our baby is a girl, but I will absolutely love to have either. Once we find out, my Pinterest boards will probably explode with nursery ideas! Just a fair warning!

Here are this week's baby pictures: (and yes, it was extremely windy when we took these pictures, but at least we got them before it started raining)

Dear Sweet Baby, 

I felt you move this week and it made my heart so happy! I know later, I'll be asking you to sit still, but for now, go ahead and move a little more if you want! I love knowing that you are growing strong and healthy inside of me. Your Daddy keeps talking to you and wanting to feel you move, but I guess it will have to be our own special thing until you get a little bigger.

I'm really trying to feed you better than I did in the first trimester. Yes, you'll still have plenty of grilled cheese sandwiches and cheese sticks, don't you worry there! But I'm also trying to eat more fruit, keep drinking plenty of water and love you by eating healthy. I want to do my very best to take care of you, always.

Don't stop growing, Baby. We can't wait to meet you and smother you with all kinds of love!

Love always, Momma


  1. EEEK! In just TWO weeks we will BOTH know what we're having! SO fun. I'm secretly hoping for one of us to have a boy and one to have a girl, then we can do an arranged marriage. Sound like a plan?
