As far as pregnancy goes, not much has changed this week - still feeling Baby Girl kick every day (mostly at night), still growing steadily, still having major heartburn every now and then. I have felt pretty tired this week, though. I don't know if it's just my body needing more rest or if I'm going through another pregnancy trend of being exhausted. I've noticed more achey-ness and headaches, but I am more than glad to go through this if it gets us closer to holding our baby girl in our arms. The way God has orchestrated all of this continues to amaze me every day. Each time I feel our little babe kick and squirm, I'm reminded that there is an actual life growing inside of me and I thank God that we are allowed to be a part of this.
Here is week 22 (pictures taken after a co-teacher's wedding, beautiful wedding by the way!)
Here are just a few more that we took this week, just for fun! Please ignore the lovely watch tan line! That's what happens when you take testing-overloaded kids outside for an hour and a half on three separate days! I'm glad to have a little tan, but I guess I forgot to take off my watch! Oh well!
Dear sweet little girl,
This week while my students were taking a big test at school, I had a lot of time to daydream about you! I tried to picture what you will look like, what you will be interested in, how you will dress yourself when you get big, who your friends will be, and everything about your personality and character. I came to the conclusion that no matter how I picture you, God has already created in you a wonderful and perfect girl who will grow into a beautiful woman. Even though I haven't met you yet, I know God is forming you just like you are supposed to be. He has been taking care of you and will never let you out of his hand. There will be times when your Daddy and I will get on your nerves, upset you or even disappoint you. But know this, sweet girl, our Heavenly Father will never let you go. Always remember that we love you, and we are giving you over to God to be used by him and for him. We are praying for the day when you make him your own and give your life to him. We will do our very best to show you his love every day.
We love you more each day and we will never stop.
Love always, Momma