Well I was tagged in one of those random-things-about-yourself questionnaires. I've never done one of these, but I'm excited to fill it out and then pass it on! Thanks Courtney for tagging me!
The Rules
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 11 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then
create 11 new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag 4 people and link them on your post
5. Let them know you've tagged them!
11 fun facts about me:
1. Well, I'm sure you all know - Eli and I are expecting our first baby in August and couldn't be more excited! We both tell people we want a boy first, and most days I'm convinced of that. But the more I look at Pinterest, the more I secretly wish for a girl! And to tell you the truth, Eli just melts when we start talking about the what-ifs of having a girl! He'll be smitten for sure if we do!
2. Our DVR is full of Frasier and Golden Girls reruns! I'm a sucker for the '90s funnies. I can't lie.
3. I'm really good at procrastinating. Or should I say I'm really bad at it? Whichever it is, I'm typically finishing things at the last minute, and more than once, I've been a little late to events/school/other activities... It's just a part of me. I've really tried to change, but no matter how early I try to be, I'm always running late.
4. Taking out the trash is one of my least favorite chores. I don't like stinky trash, but that's when I sweetly ask Eli to take it out for me. And, like the wonderful husband he is, he does it without complaining. I love you Eli!
5. A dream vacation of mine is to see New England in the fall. Just imagining the colors and beauty of it makes me so happy.
6. I love anything with cheese on it! Macaroni and cheese. Grilled cheese sandwiches. Cheese sticks. Chicken and cheese enchiladas. You put cheese on it and I'll probably want to try it! (but not on things like cupcakes or cereal... please don't put cheese on those!)
7. I don't consider myself a master artist, but I love to waste days sitting on the floor painting on canvases, or at my sewing machine dreaming up a new project.
8. I love being outside with Eli, doing things that he enjoys. Some of our favorite adventures have been while fishing, camping, shooting his guns, working in the yard, taking walks with Sasha, hiking, and pretty much anything else outside.
9. A couple years ago, before we even dated, Eli and I were adult sponsors for youth camp with our previous church. One afternoon while everyone was at free time, all the adults from our church decided to ride Trykes (basically a three-wheeled scooter) down the mountain in Glorieta, NM. Eli fell on one of the first runs, but only had minor scratches on his knee. I, on the other hand, fell on our last run of the day, bled from every limb of my body, and still have a pebble lodged in my elbow to prove it! And Eli hasn't taken his eyes off of me since! ... Hehe :) p.s. Eli told me to write this.
10. I don't consider myself too "girly" but I always have to have nail polish on my toenails. I feel naked without it!
11. I am so in love with Eli Randall Jackson. He is an amazing example of grace and forgiveness. He gives me reasons to love him more every day.
And now, Courtney's questions for me:
1. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy afternoon?
I can't sit still for too long, but I do love to cuddle up on the couch with a warm blanket and my wonderful husband and watch a movie. And periodically, I will get up and bake something, like cookies or a loaf of bread. I just can't help it.
2. If you could do anything in the world for your career, not dependent on money, what would it be?
Most days, I will say a teacher, because I truly do enjoy it. Then there are some days where I would absolutely love to travel for a living, tasting food from around the world, photographing everything in sight, and loving on God's people right where they are.
3. What is your favorite cereal?
Nature's Path Organic Granola plus Flax. I know, I know. Sounds a little much, but it's SO good! Trust me!
4. Favorite pet?
Definitely dogs, specifically Sasha. But I'm a little biased.
5. What is a Christmas tradition in your family?
Ever since I was little, it was very important in my family to read the Christmas story out of Luke 2. We would always take a bath, put on our pjs, and sit in the living room while my dad read the story of Jesus' birth. As I got older, my dad let me read it to our family, and then the same with Renee, when she was able to read. This was such a special time for our family. Now that Eli and I have a family of our own, we have continued this tradition and hope to share it with our children as they grow up. It is very important to us to keep Christmas focused on Christ, and not on us.
6. Do you like beach or mountains?
Mountains, hands down. For our honeymoon, we stayed in a little cabin in the mountains of North Carolina. We would definitely go back any day! I guess I enjoy the mountains more because I grew up in Florida, where both sets of my grandparents lived close to the beach. It was a pretty normal thing for us in the summer. But the mountains will always be a wonderful treat!
7. What is something you want to accomplish before this summer?
Learn to be a mommy.
I know I have a long way to go, but I want to soak up everything I can before this little babe gets here.
8. What is your favorite restaurant?
For gluten-free pizza: BJ's
For Mexican: Taqueria in Belton
In Austin: Magnolia Cafe
Anniversary/Fancy Dinner: Chez Zee in Austin
I really don't have just one favorite. But there are a few!
9. Do you like sweet or sour things more?
I'll take sweet any day!
10. What is your guilty pleasure TV show?
Well, as I mentioned earlier, I do love some Golden Girls and Frasier! We also enjoy our weekly episodes of American Pickers, NCIS, Chopped, and Swamp People.
I guess they're not really guilty pleasures... but I'm not really into the scandalous shows. I'll stick to the ones Eli and I enjoy together!
11. How is God working in your life?
I am constantly learning how to love unconditionally as a teacher in a rural, impoverished, and poorly-educated school district. I find myself judging my students on the basis of their upbringing, but it is then that God brings me back and shows me how much he loves them, regardless of their status. I am learning to see my students through His eyes. This translates to the calling God has placed on our lives, working in the mission field, loving His people wherever He calls us.
Next Up:
Allye from "Welcome to Crosbyville"
Mikka from "Mikka Hill Photography"
Sarah from "A New Journey Begins"
Sarah form "The Crosby Show"
My questions for you:
1. If you could go on a vacation tomorrow, price not important, where would you go?
2. What ridiculous fashion style have you embraced at one point? (hair style, tube socks, bright eyeshadow... you know there was something!)
3. Sweet or salty snacks?
4. What was your favorite childhood movie?
5. What is a food you could never give up?
6. Would you prefer to be inside or outside on your day off?
7. Do you have a favorite verse or Scripture passage?
8. Do you sing in the shower?
9. What is your ideal outfit for a date night?
10. What are three things you hope to accomplish over the next 10 years?
11. How have you seen God working in your life this past year?