May 15, 2012

24 weeks

I've been falling behind a little on getting these posts out on time. At least if this one gets done tonight, it will still be in my 24th week. Tomorrow starts week 25!

This week has been a pretty busy, but good week. The beginning of the week was a bit of a blur, but this weekend was good and full of family and celebrating. My sweet husband's birthday was on Saturday (check back later for more about that) and we celebrated Mother's Day with Eli's side of the family. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families who love us and care for us. Mother's Day has reminded us how extremely thankful we are for both of our moms - both godly, beautiful women who have showed us what it means to be parents, to love, to nurture, and to seek God first. So, to both of our mothers, we love you. Thank you for everything you've done for us. We hope that by raising our children, we can show you our gratitude for your love for us.

In light of Mother's Day, I have been thinking more about what it means to be a mom. I have, by no means, figured it out. God has laid several things on my heart, though. He has showed me by the example of my own mom, through scripture, and through women all around me. Soon, I hope to write a reflection over what I have been taught so far. My heart is still so full of all the wonder and incredible love God has placed in me for our little girl. I pray that as the time grows closer to meeting her, He will continue to show me his endless love for her and I can continue to learn who he wants me to be as a mother.

Dear Little One, 

This week, I got to experience a small taste of Mother's Day and what it means for our future. No, I'm not talking about gifts or recognition or any of that. I'm talking about the opportunity to be your mom. I get to be one of the closest people in the world to you and I, along with your Daddy, get to raise you in a godly home where you will always be loved. I pray that our love for you will reflect God's love for you and that you will know His love in a very personal way.

We still pray for you daily and think about you often. Keep growing big and strong! We love you always.

Love, Momma

p.s. Daddy is working so hard to paint your room and dresser! He's done such a great job. I can't wait to show you!!

1 comment:

  1. absolutely adorable ;) You look like you are hiding a little bowling ball under your shirt!! Love you!
