During month four, Sarah continued talking and being very social, babbling on about anything and everything. Her biggest accomplishment, however, was learning to screech. Loudly! And very high pitched! We first heard her while she was laying in the living room playing with a toy and we were both in the kitchen. Out of nowhere, we heard this crazy screech and ran to see if Sarah was okay. Not only was she okay, she seemed very pleased with herself and the noise that just came out of her mouth. Since then, it has become one of her favorite things to do!
Sarah started wearing size two diapers shortly after leaking out of a couple size ones. She also graduated to 3-6 month clothes. Our little girl is growing so big! At her 4-month doctor appointment, she weighed 13.9 pounds and was 25 inches long. I can't believe that she has almost doubled her birth weight!
She was sleeping in a SwaddleMe wrap at nights, but she grew out of that and even ripped one of the velcro tabs off when she squirmed at night! I was hoping she would get a new swaddle wrap for Christmas, and she did! Once we figured out she liked to be wrapped up with her arms free, she has loved her swaddle and settles down immediately when we wrap her.
One thing we did notice quite a bit was an irritable, fussy attitude during month four. She just wasn't her usual smiling, talkative self all the time. This fussiness coupled with chewing on everything and drooling buckets really made us think she was starting to teethe.
We also dealt with a little bit of sleep regression during month four. Sarah went from sleeping eight or nine hours in a row to waking up every three to four hours during the night. This made for some difficult nights. In the end, I would get Sarah out of her cradle, which was still in our room, lay her in bed with us and nurse her back to sleep. I loved her being in our bed, but at the same time, I wanted her to be able to sleep through the night. This got pretty draining after a while, and I am so grateful for a sweet husband who got up with me (and instead of me some nights) to help with Sarah.
Sarah has started holding things in her hands and putting them in her mouth.Everything has gone in her mouth from day one, but now she is doing it intentionally. She mastered the task of guiding whatever is in her hand into her mouth. This includes her paci, her toys, our hands, my hair... you name it! If she can hold it in her hands, it will go in her mouth!

Month four was a very busy month in our family. So much going on, it's hard to remember it all! Sarah got to attend her first wedding. We went to a high school state championship game at the Dallas Cowboys stadium. She even had her diaper changed in the stands at the stadium (she's a bit of a diva when it comes to diaper changes - if she's wet, it needs to be changed now!). She also got to play baby Jesus in the Christmas musical at church! Other than spitting up on both of us, she did great!
Looking back, I am blown away by all that God has done in our little family. Last year we found out we were pregnant the week before Christmas. This year we got to share a very special first Christmas with our little girl here with us. Even though she fell asleep every time we started opening presents, it was okay because that's not what it was about. We want to raise Sarah to know the true reason we celebrate Christmas - to glorify and honor God who showed his incredible love for us.
We love our sweet girl more and more every day. I've said it before and I'll say it again - she keeps growing and changing and we are so in love with her.
Sweet Pea,
You are so beautiful, baby girl. Inside and out. I can't believe how you've grown and changed in just these few short months. Keep growing big and strong, and know that we are praying for you every day. We love you more than you know.
Always, Momma
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