Month five was the biggest month for change so far. We have such an active, growing girl, and we can't get enough of her! (Month five was Dec 29 - Jan 29... Month six coming this week!)
At the very beginning of month five, we had Sarah's 4-month checkup. She weighed 13.9 pounds and was 25 inches long. Growing so big! She has gained many new rolls all over and is looking cuter than ever! I just love her chunky thighs.
Her doctor gave us the go-ahead to start cereal or solids at night if we
wanted. I have been so excited about starting baby food because I
really wanted to make my own purees. I know she doesn't really need
anything other than breastmilk, nutritionally, but we went ahead with
cereal because she had been very interested in our food and seemed
hungry even after nursing at night. We started with rice cereal to get
her used to the texture and eating off of a spoon. About two weeks after
starting rice (and switching to oatmeal because rice caused tummy
troubles), we started with veggies. Let me just say, this girl LOVES her
sweet potatoes! We also tried avocado toward the end of the month,
which she really didn't care for at first. She's a texture eater like
her Momma. Once we added oatmeal, she gobbled it all up!

Another suggestion from the doctor was to put Sarah in her own room. Up until Christmas, Sarah was still in her cradle in our room, but we (actually just me...) would wake up with every little noise and she expected us to tend to her any time she woke up. Now that she's in her own room, she can soothe herself and fall back asleep easier if she wakes up. We also sleep better. Win, win!Also, she is now sleeping 10-11 hours at night. Woohoo!!
Guess who is sitting up?? And loving it!
Sarah has been trying to sit up for a while now, but never quite had the strength. Now she is sitting really well and really enjoys the new found freedom. She can reach all her toys, see what is going on, and be more independent. Momma and Daddy love the freedom too!
At the beginning of January, Sarah switched from staying with Ms. Linda
during the day to going to daycare at my school. We really loved Ms.
Linda, but I cannot say how happy I am that I get to see her every
single day and even feed her during the day! I am so grateful that my
school has a daycare for teacher's kids right next door. The ladies there are great and I know Sarah is well-taken care of.
Someone has become quite the Momma's-girl lately. She's been very clingy and cuddly. I find this so sweet and flattering, but it's so difficult to get anything done! Thank goodness for the Baby Bjorn and naptimes! Although, I won't have these times forever, so I'm soaking them in while she still wants to be around me all the time!
Teething is now in full swing. All the tell-tale signs are there: fussing, gnawing on her fingers, rosy cheeks, and slobbering on everything her chubby little fingers can get a hold of!
Some other new things we noticed in month five are:
Sarah has fallen in love with her feet! She likes to grab them and stick them in her mouth any chance she gets. She also likes to "help" when we're changing her diaper by holding her feet. Silly girl!
She has become very ticklish and it is over-the-top adorable! Her most ticklish spots are under her chin, on the back of her neck, where her bottom and thighs join, and the bottom of her feet. It's so fun to see her squirm and giggle. This is one of those times when we realize how big she's getting!
As you can tell from the pictures, Sarah's dark newborn hair is just about gone. She still has her old man ring around the back of her head, but the rest has fallen out and has been replaced with beautiful, fine blonde hair, just like Momma and Daddy had when we were little.
My Sweet Baby,
I can't believe how much you changed this month. You are becoming a little person right before our eyes. Your Daddy and I are so blessed to get to be your parents. We thank God every day for allowing us to be a part of your life. You are such a precious gift to us, sweet girl. We love you more than you know.
To the moon and back, Momma