May 21, 2012

25 weeks

We have made it to the single digits in days left! Only 99 days til Baby Girl's due date. It's so hard to believe it's been about twice that long since we found out about her! I don't have too much to report this week other than she is still growing strong (along with practicing her kick-boxing skills more often lately...). We had a pretty long weekend visiting family and friends, and have been trying to catch up on much needed rest. But, like always, Monday rolls around and we wonder where our weekend went!

Good news: today was my last Monday at school for the year! Unfortunately, due to something I ate this weekend that didn't agree with me, I only spent two hours at school today... Hooray for getting sick... A three and a half hour nap, Lord of the Rings marathon, comfy pj pants, and a loving husband who makes great homemade chicken noodle soup helped me through the day, though. And guess who's headed to bed early tonight? Yep, me.

I don't say it often enough on here, but I love my husband more than I can express. He is very sweet, kind, gentle, and loving. I love the way he puts God first in our marriage and leads our family, always striving to glorify God. He is going to make one great Daddy!

Dear Little One, 

This weekend, you must have been strengthening your little leg and arm muscles. I have never felt you move like you have in the past two days! I'm so sorry about my tummy being upset today - I could tell, by some of your moving, you didn't like it either. Sorry, baby :( Let's go to bed early and get rid of this sickness. What do you say?

Lots of people commented on how big you're getting this weekend! Your Aunt Renee even said I'm getting huge! It's okay, we love her nonetheless! We also got to meet some of Daddy's friends up in Lubbock on Saturday. I think it's safe to say, Little One, you might only have a few brothers or sisters. Hope you don't mind not having 9 siblings all in one house! Talk about a full house!

Baby girl, I want to live out a godly example of a mother to you. I want you to know how much I love your Daddy, so that when you grow up and begin looking for a husband, you will have a good example to follow. I know I will stumble and won't always be the best Momma, but Sweet Girl, I hope you see love when you look at our family. Our hearts are already swelling with love for you. This is a love that will only grow stronger each day. It's also a love that only comes from God. We are praying for the day when you know him personally and trust his perfect love. Keep growing strong and healthy.

Love always, Momma