May 6, 2012

23 weeks

Week 23 has come and is almost over now. I can truthfully say, not much has been different this week, but I'm not complaining. Baby Girl is still growing steadily and so am I! My pregnancy app tells me she is close to a foot long from head to toe and weighs just over a pound. It's crazy to think that in the next 17 weeks or so, our little girl will gain six or seven more pounds and grow another nine to ten inches in length! And I thought my tummy was big now! No wonder I've felt her kick and move so much more lately. I have gone from counting one or two kicks in a day to several each hour! She really is a little acrobat. I also learned that she can hear a lot of what we can hear, just a little muffled. It's fun to think that she might actually hear when we talk to her at night or when I sing on the way to school every morning! The other night, Eli told her goodnight and said her name (yes she has a name, but we're not telling yet!), and she kicked right at that moment!! I know she doesn't really know her name yet, but it was so exciting to feel her respond!

We did have one new event happen this week. We were sitting on the couch watching TV, and Baby Girl was kicking up a storm. I was curious if this was something that could be seen from the outside, so I lifted up my shirt just enough to see my belly. All of a sudden, she kicked and we could see exactly where she was! Oh my goodness! It was crazy to see! Eli's response was the best : "What was that?? That was so weird!" Haha! Yes, it was weird, but it was so wonderful at the same time. I love when God gives us little reminders of how real this is. I really do have a life growing inside of me. I am so blessed to have this opportunity to feel our baby growing every day. I can truly say I love being pregnant and the new adventures it brings.

My sweet little girl, 

Thank you for your unexpected movements this week. We really enjoyed SEEING you move as well as feel you! You are getting to be such a big girl already. I can't hardly wait to see you in person and watch you grow even more. I know God has big plans for you already, even while you're still in my tummy.

Your Daddy asked me this week if I wanted to celebrate my first Mother's Day this year! Oh wow! Can you believe I'm going to be a mommy?! His question just made me smile so big because it meant you are coming very soon!Only 115 days til you are due!

Sweet daughter, don't ever forget how much we love you. Our love for you will only increase each day as God allows us to care for and raise you. We want to be the best parents we can be and we are trusting God to help us. We pray for you daily and are anticipating you joining our little family for good. Keep growing big and strong in my tummy, Little One. We love you so much.

Love always, Momma

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