Month seven:
Her 7 month birthday happened right before Easter, so we thought it would be fun to take pictures with her Easter basket. (Also, we needed props to keep her occupied!)
No work on crawling yet, but we worked on spending more time on her tummy without getting upset. From there, she would kick kick kick and try to scoot around. Most of the time, though, she would end up getting fussy and want to be picked up.
Later in the month, Sarah figured out how to barrel roll like a champ. This new found mobility kept her entertained and very happy. Our little roly poly could now move across any room, from toy to toy, even on the changing pad - definitely had to keep an eye (and one hand) on her at all times!
There is pretty much a given understanding that if something is in Sarah's hands, it is fair game to go in her mouth. Doesn't matter what it is - TV remote = in the mouth. Leaf on the ground = in the mouth. Piece of food she stole from our plate = in the mouth. But her favorite thing to chew on is our phones. I guess the rubbery feel of the case is like candy.
She was definitely a Momma's girl this month (and pretty much every month)! Her favorite thing to say was "mamamamamama" all. day. long. One of my favorite new accomplishments happened when she started holding her hands up anytime I was around.
* playing with the lotion bottle
* rolling and getting away from us
* her toes
* Sasha
* Momma
My love,
You are growing up right before our eyes. I can't believe that you are big enough to have not one, but TWO teeth! Your personality amazes me, and we can already see little quirks and distinct parts of your personality. You are so much fun to be around. I know I will keep finding new things every month that I love about you, but right now, I just want to focus on who you are this very moment. But if you could do me a favor and stop growing so fast, I'd really appreciate it!
I love you more than you know.
Always, Momma