November 23, 2010

Lately (long, picture-filled post!)

Well, it's been four months since we have a) gotten married b) written a decent post c) showed any pictures to tell about our life or d) all of the above.

Yes. Four months! I would make excuses and blame it on being busy, working from 7 am - 7 pm most days, cooking dinner most nights, being married, and yes, being busy again... but I shouldn't make excuses. I'll just update what I can!

In the past four months we have:

Gotten married!


Moved into our cozy little apartment

Started school - I teach sixth grade math in a tiny district (more pictures soon!) and Eli is finishing up his last year at UMHB (hooray!)

Gone fishing

Spent time with Little Sister


Halloweened as Miss Congeniality (and Eric)

Lead at the youth Fall Retreat

And now, we're getting ready to spend our first holiday together (married). Every other year, Eli's family goes to his aunt and uncle's house for Thanksgiving. The boys hunt, the girls shop, and everyone eats. A lot. So that's where we're headed first!

I'll try to take good pictures and make this updating thing a regular happening!

Happy Thanksgiving!