August 25, 2013

Sarah { six months }

I wrote most of this post when Sarah was 6 months and 5 days old and forgot to finish it, then got busy and didn't post it...Now she just turned 9 months...AGH! Well all I can say is, here's month 6! (you're welcome Mom, Renee, Dana, and Kelci!)

We ventured outside for our 6 month pictures because the weather was so beautiful. Sarah absolutely loves being outside. It really calms her down when she is upset. She just looks around, feels the wind, and takes everything in. She's not a big smiler outside, though. I guess she's too busy soaking in her surroundings.

At Sarah's six month check up, she weighed 15 pounds 5 ounces and was 25 3/4 inches long. She's in the 50-75th percentile for all her measurements. Our little growing girl! Her doctor said she is very healthy and looks great. No ear infections, fevers, or sicknesses over here!

Our adventures in homemade baby food have continued and I'm really enjoying making her food. Up to month six, Sarah's food included sweet potatoes, avocados, and peas. I have adjusted how I make the avocados and she likes it much better. However, the first time Sarah tried peas, she really didn't like them and gagged. I guess the food processor didn't blend the skins well enough for her!

Sarah ate at her first restaurant during month six. One Sunday, we went out to eat and I could tell she was getting hungry. I had already given her her bottle during church, so I didn't have anything to feed her. Thankfully, we were at a Mexican restaurant, so i just mashed up the avocado slices on my plate and finger-fed her. Big hit! The waitresses gave us looks like we were crazy, but she was happy. 

At daycare, we upped the milk intake to 13-14 ounces total from a bottle and one nursing session every day. I am so grateful that her daycare is right next door to my school. I get to see and feed her at least once and sometimes twice a day. This gives me a much needed break from the craziness of school! She has several friends at school and really seems to be doing well.

Sarah's personality is developing and changing every day. She is getting so inquisitive, wanting to hold, touch, or taste everything. And believe me - she tastes everything! If it is within her reach, she will do anything she can to get it in her mouth! 

She also discovered that she can make several different sounds and laughs. Sometimes she "talks" with a high-pitched voice, and other times she sounds like such a big girl. She also laughs many different ways - high pitched screeches, loud cackles, rapid-fire panting, and even a big girl laugh too. I love that she is discovering her many talents! 

Another thing she discovered this month was her tongue. She loves to stick it out and rub it on her lips. My guess is she was just getting ready for teeth. But I'm getting ahead of myself :)

We definitely have a blondie on our hands. She has almost lost all of her dark, newborn hair, and now has beautiful soft blonde hair growing in. I can't wait to comb it to the side and put clips in it! Oh, she is growing up so much. I just can't believe how much of a big girl she is.

Month 6 likes:
  • Tags. On anything and everything. Clothes, toys, her playmat. Anything that has a tag instantly becomes her favorite thing to chew on. 
  • Her toes
  • Her door frame jumper (like a Johnny Jump-Up)

Hey blue eyes!

Month 6 dislikes:
  • Having her nose wiped
  • Sweet pea skins
  • Getting dressed or undressed

My Sweet Sarah, 

Baby girl, you are growing so big. Every time I turn around, you are doing something new and exciting. I can't believe you have been in our little family for half a year already! You are such a blessing in our lives and we can't imagine it any other way. We love you, sweetheart. We always will.

To the moon and back, 

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