June 3, 2012

Renee: Senior 2012

*Disclaimer: Momma, if you're reading this, you might need Kleenex... :)

A little while back, I posted some of my sister's senior pictures. I still can't believe that she graduated and is moving on to the next stage of life. She has grown into such a beautiful and talented young lady. I couldn't be more proud of her!

She has always had a great personality:

Impeccable fashion sense: 

And a big sister who loves her:

Now, she is a high school graduate and getting ready to move to Florida to attend Jacksonville University. She is still her fun, caring, silly self and I love her for every bit of that! Renee also has a heart that is so big. She has participated on several mission trips with her church, including one to Venezuela last summer and one to Ukraine this summer. She has a passion for God and his people that really shows through her words and her actions.

Renee, you are my favorite sister ever! I love how we have grown so close over the past few years - I know this is something that will last and not fade out. I love your passion and drive in life. You are one spirited girl with a huge heart. I want to encourage you to keep God first in your life and always follow his direction. He will never leave you, even in life's hard times. I love you always, to the moon and back (and with a few tiger kisses every now and then!)                                 Love, Robyn

Renee and her best friend Laura.
Renee graduated 14th in her class! So proud of her!
Renee graduated with her three best friends. I think this is so neat, since I also had three, wonderful friends that I graduated with. Click here to see more of our friendship! I know Renee and these girls will stay friends and always remember the fun times in high school, just being crazy together!

We both have something special to celebrate!
Proud parents and grandparents!

I've said it many times, but I really am proud of Renee and who she has become. I know she will do wonderful things in her life and God will receive the glory.

Thank you, Renee, for being a fantastic little sister. Don't ever forget how much I love you!

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